Thursday, July 20, 2017

Holy Ship!!!! JAX IS ONE!!!!!


"How on earth did this happen so quick?”

I am pretty sure that this is  the universal question all moms ask when their baby turns one...

The past year was SO amazing. I GOT TO BE MOMMY!!!! We celebrated our firsts...I witnessed some of God’s biggest miracles in my tiny child and each time he did something new I melted a little bit inside. Being a mom is so great. 

Planning a party is exhausting  FUN:) 

I plan on doing a party planning post with some tips and budget friendly ideas on my next blog post but I wanted to share some of what I did for his first party. 

Jax is a July baby.. which of course in Texas makes everything difficult. It is BLAZING hot and there isn’t much to do except swim :) so swim we did. The theme I chose was “ Holy Ship” Nautical theme. The sky was the limit!!! I Had SO SO SO  much fun planning, organizing, and shopping for his party. Now to be fair I did start planning his party when he was 9 months old. That gave me THREE months for budgeting ( AKA SHOPPING IN CHUNKS SO YOUR HUSBAND DOESNT KILL YOU), planning, and organizing. 

The party went off without a hitch and we all had a blast!!! 

My sweet and happy angel the morning of the party!!

Amazing florals by Stone Oak Florist 
our friend Kathy did an outstanding job and they were exactly what I wanted!

The food table before the food appeared. 
I ordered the fish net from amazon you can shop the fish net here
it is reusable and it was a really great material. I plan on using it again for a shower or what not.

Our cake!!!! San Antonio Friends Triple L Sweets and Treats does a fabulous job!!!!
She does all of our cakes and for a very reasonable price. Cake prices are CRAZY! 
She did my entire cake and smash cake for 80 dollars!! 

I did sunglasses and adult favors in these two bins. The adult favors were an *extra* from what I had left over from my party budget but they made all the difference. You can shop them HERE

One of my favorite parts of the party was the “ Thirst Aid Station” We had juice boxes for the kids, an adult “ Ocean Water” and other beverages all put together. 

Straws and napkins were both a home goods and target find!!!! Great prices on both!!! Best inexpensive places for themed napkins are: Homegoods and Tuesday Morning

Our Ocean Water!!!!
1 Part Coconut Rum
1 Part blue Cacao 
1 Part Diet 7-up

I themed his party around his high chair banner!! I was IN LOVE with it!! One of my best girlfriend’s mom makes the most amazing embroidered items!! The sky is the limit with her. I am trying to find her shop name so I can link it. Check back later!!

Jax’s Grandpa built him a busy is literally the most used gift we received. We use it each and every morning!!

Bold Block letters
These would be great in initials to reuse for a game room or nursery. I wish I would have done his initials instead but I plan on using this theme again.. somehow :)

We had a pool party and I knew that not everyone would want to get in the “ big pool” so I ordered this kid friendly pool and set it up alongside a water table and baby pool ( all underneath a large canopy!!) for the babies and moms who didn’t feel like getting in the water. It was a GREAT idea and big hit. We also use this pool like it’s going out of style. You can find it

Shaded area for the babies

I chose to do a party from 2-5 that way I didn’t have to be responsible for a HUGE meal.. instead I did heavy hors’ dourves and that worked out great. We had cheese, fruit, veggies and dip, mini pork sliders, cookies, potato salad, and coleslaw

My big birthday boy with his big BRUISE. I knew it would happen.. it was pretty much inevitable! I was trying so hard to keep him from falling the whole week.. but of course it happened. 

Us with the best gift of all!!!

Time Capsule Station

I think it is neat to incorporate a small touch to a party.. like a time capsule, or a message in a bottle... whatever the theme is its fun to do something special for baby so that when they get older they have these wonderful memories to read and look back on. We chose to do the time capsule.. I found this exact print off of Etsy you can shop all of the different themes

I found that nautical box for 1.99 at HL and then the cards were left over from a summer party my mom had so they made PERFECT time capsule cards. 

My grandparents came down for the occasion!!

Gift table and Goody table

Water Table FUN!

Jaxie enjoying his smash cake

This wreath was also made by my good friend’s mama. She is SUPER talented and can make just about anything!!! 

These runners I also found on amazon ( worked great for the tables) for 4.00. I plan on reusing them for 4th of July, Summertime table settings and more. 

It was a great party!!! It took a LOT of planning and organizing and to be honest I did it ALL BY MYSELF. So it took even more organization on my part. Next post will be all about organizing and planning for a party!!!!!!

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