Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Its a good morning.

It is a good morning today.

Today, as rare as it is, my husband let me sleep in for an extra 45 minutes since his day isn’t very busy. I woke up to the sound of Jax squealing and Brandon clanging around in the kitchen trying to start breakfast. I decided to lay quietly in bed and just soak the solitude up since this hardly ever happens. I remember the days before Jax was born, when I would lay in bed feeling him kick and roll. I loved having that secret dance party just between the two of us, it was so so special and I cherished it. Now he toddles across the living room on his walker, his chubby feet having much of an agenda on where to go next! 
Downstairs the squealing turning into fits of frustration because daddy isn’t spooning the yogurt into his mouth at a fast enough speed. I decide to get up, I walk quietly down the stairs because I want to steal a moment just watching the two of them together.. moments I dreamed of during the 18 months of trying for Baby Jax. I am in love with what I see.. 
I see a daddy who is so in love with his baby.
Most mornings it’s a hustle and bustle of trying to unload dishes, feed the baby, warm the bottles, throw on exercise clothes, gulp down coffee, having Brandon race out the door and me  yelling at him to watch the baby “ because I have to pee dammit!!”
But not this morning.
This morning daddy is being patient.. he wipes up the eggs and yogurt from the high chair tray..and from the floor...and from his own beard ( which J has thrown eggs on) I love watching him as he kisses our Jaxie and makes him belly laugh. I love watching their father son dynamic and hope they will always share such an inseparable bond. 
Some mornings are a complete shit show..and I forget how much I dreamed about mornings like today. 
Mornings like today are beautiful and simple. Sometimes my house is chaos and I need a bucket of coffee and wine to help my OCD not stare at the monumental mess of dishes, bottles, and crap flung throughout my home. I know once we add our second things will only get messier and louder.. 

I watch as daddy lifts Jax from his chair and plants kisses all over his belly..again more belly laughs explode from his tiny little body.
I am soaking every bit of this in.. every moment is precious.
One day I will come downstairs only to find grown children sitting down at the breakfast table  instead of wild, crazy haired babies.  They will be to busy to let me cuddle and snuggle and plant kisses all over their face and lips.
Instead they will be in a hurry to get to school on time.

These are the days...and These are the mornings. 
I am so grateful to be “Mom”

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