Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Postpartum life and Breastfeeding Basics

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Today’s post is all about postpartum life and what to expect after baby. I am surely NO expert but wanted to share what I went through personally, and also so I can refer back to my blog once baby number two comes around. 

Here we go!!!

1. Breastfeeding Basics

* I know that breastfeeding is a personal choice and while many women choose to do so with their babies, many do not and if you are one who chose to formula feed please know that you are doing what is best for you and your baby!!!

  • Before bringing your baby home set the stage. I was induced at 39 weeks, so I had time to plan, race around, buy out Babies R us and all that good stuff. However if your water breaks and you rush to the hospital then just try to have a few of these items lying around so that when you return home from the hospital it will be easy to have everything ready. I knew I would be spending the majority of my time downstairs so I had my basket of  breastfeeding supplies ready and waiting which always included breast pads, my breast pump, extra bottles, a burp cloth, and a huge jug of water. Your Boppy or feeding pillow should always accompany the area where you feed as well. 
  • During your hospital stay I highly advise on talking with a lactation consultant. It can be hard to get a good latch and those consultants are so helpful and offer many tips. PLEASE ASK YOUR LACTATION CONSULTANT AND PEDIATRICIAN TO CHECK FOR A TONGUE OR LIP TIE- I cannot tell you how many of my friends had so much trouble with a bad latch and cracked nipples all because of an overlooked issue. If you baby has a tongue tie it is not a big deal they will clip it right in the hospital and you can continue on with your breastfeeding journey.
  • Once you return home your baby will want to eat every two hours..some even want to eat every hour. DO NOT PANIC I know that this may seem exhausting, excruciating, time consuming, and like your baby is never fully satisfied. The question ( are they getting enough?) will constantly run through your mind. The answer is yes they are. Newborns cluster feed in order to build your supply. Breast milk is based off of supply and demand so the more they feed the more milk you produce. Cluster feeding is exhausting but it is also a good thing. Some newborns are extra sleepy and you may even have to wake them up for feedings DO SO no matter how exhausted you are. You need that supply built and baby needs to be fed so whatever you do set a timer or write down the feeds in a journal but it should be every 2-3 hours of feeding.
  • Journal your feeds: I had a note book that I kept all of Jax’s feeds in. I would start with the time, how long he fed, and from which side. Babies will eat two hours from WHEN THEY STARTED FEEDING. For example if your baby starts feeding at 7:00 AM and feeds for 30 minutes he will be finished at 7:30 your next feed is not at 9:30 but at 9:00 ( from when he started) I kept journal next to my dresser and just took it everywhere with me.
  • You have to keep hydrated. I suggest a 40 oz bubba cup, a yeti cup, or any sort of large cup to constantly  have full of water. In order to meet supply demands a hydrated body is needed in other to boost your supply of milk. The same goes for eating. 
  •  It is so important to EAT during breastfeeding. You are burning a TON of calories and your body needs those calories in order to produce more milk so be sure you are eating the RIGHT foods that will nourish your body. Some example meals that I ate constantly in the early weeks are as followed: Breakfast: Oatmeal with peanut butter and berries, plain eggs with avocado, toast with peanut butter ( I kept things plain, simple, and healthy) Lunch: Turkey sandwich, fruit, baby bell cheese ( I limited dairy but didn’t cut it out completely and J never had any issues with his tummy..Keep colic and gas drops on hand in case though) Dinner: Brandon’s Breastfeeding Chicken Rice ( yes my husband literally created a meal that is good for your milk and we make it for all our friends who have just had babies. Ill post recipe soon) Pork chops and grilled zucchini, open faced burgers, a ton of chicken and healthy fats!!!!! 
  • In order to create a great supply ( and possibly have extra stored away) pump after every feed. I would feed Jax and then pump off excess, I would also pump first thing in the morning ( when your prolactin is highest) and store those bags.
  • I personally introduced a bottle at two weeks after Jax came home. I wanted his daddy to feed him a bottle of BM while I showered, or slept..whatever the case was I wanted him to get used to it. I know that the lactation consultants are very hardcore on “nipple confusion” But honestly I believe it to be a myth. I gave J a medela bottle and he would go from bottle to breast perfectly fine. I also didn’t buy 3474058347534 bottles to see “ which one he liked best” He got what he got and thats it. Your baby will take what they give you just don’t wait a long time to introduce because they will get completely used to the breast. 
  • Your body will regulate milk production after a while. You may start to notice your boobs don’t feel as engorged all the time and that they even may feel soft. Your milk is not gone don’t panic !!!! It is just that your body knows exactly how much your baby needs and it isn’t creating such an oversupply any longer. For me this happened around 12 weeks.
For more awesome information on breastfeeding please visit 

2. Postpartum Self-Care

  • Take a shower daily. I know that baby blues can settle in..mostly you just don’t feel like “yourself” taking  nice hot shower will do wonders for you. Stick baby in a bouncy chair right outside your shower ( I promise they won’t run off :)) and take a shower and wash your hair..shit get crazy and even shave your legs! If your baby is screaming ..its okay they will survive while you take a 5-10 minute shower. Remember fill YOUR cup too.
  • Take your colace girls. Y’all I am not even trying to lie this is a MUST!!! I am speaking to all you vaginal birth mamas on this one. From the time you have your baby you will be given some meds and then some colace take it. DAILY. This will help your first BM ( I really think that is a more disgusting word to use than poop) come out to where you don’t think you are giving birth for a second time. Although you totally will think you are giving birth again. Sorry just keeping it real. Just take your damn colace.
  • Try and nap when the baby naps. For me this was not something that came easy. I have anxiety and suffered with wanting to constantly stare at my baby while he was sleeping instead of sleeping myself. Eventually I got over it and would take a nap here and there but just remember have someone else do those dishes or the laundry. Mama YOU need to rest.
  • Limit visitors. I was BIG on this..I did not want every single neighbor and their 3243324 kids coming over to touch my baby. I know this may sound prissy but you are  your child’s only advocate. You need to keep YOURSELF free of germs as well as your freshly born baby. Ask visitors you are comfortable with to wash hands and sanitize. If visitors ask what they can bring always say food. Neither you or your husband is going to feel like cooking after giving birth so I advise to freezer prep meals before going to the hospital ( think month nine) as well as have company bring you meals. Most people ALWAYS show up with a casserole dish or at the very least a bag of chic fil a. Limit visitors to 30 minutes to an hour. Most people understand that a new mommy is tired and wants to be in her newborn bubble but occasionally you may have those visitors who prop their feet up, ask if you have any food, and make you feel like YOU should be entertaining. A BIG FAT BYE FELICIA is what you tell those visitors. Well maybe not that exactly.. but you at least whip your boob out and say you are breastfeeding now.. and they usually get that it is their cue to leave. 
  • Yes you can have that glass of wine. No your child will be delayed. Visit HERE to get the full info on the do’s and dont’s of alcohol and breastfeeding. 
  • Spend a little time with your husband: I know that it may seem difficult with the baby constantly on your boob but if you can steal away 30 minutes while the baby is in the Rock N Play or while your mom is holding the baby. Do it! You will feel like yourself for a few minutes and its nice to chat with the person you brought life into the world with:)

Okay guys these were just a few of my suggestions!! I hope some of these help you mamas out there!!!!

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