Saturday, June 10, 2017

New Mom Must Haves

As my baby’s first birthday is nearing I thought what better post than a bunch of new mom essentials??  I seriously went WAYYYY overboard packing my hospital bag, getting my house ready, spazzing over every last detail ( poor husband). What new mom doesn’t?? It is such a life changing and wonderful event to bring a new baby home but you definitely need to stock up on THESE to make your life just a little bit easier.

Here we go

Mama and Jaxie a few hours after birth

For Your House:

1.) Basket system:
 I have a two story so I knew this was important in order to not be constantly walking up and down the stairs for diaper changes, breast pads, penis creme ( I really don’t know what to call it), and other good stuff. I had a basket in my living room and also in our bedroom since we had the baby in there the first three months. 

THIS Diaper Caddy from amazon is similar to the one I had.  I suggest organizing your bin before you leave for the hospital so that when you are coming home you already have it nice and ready to go and you can lounge on the couch or wherever with baby nearby. Inside it I had the following:

1. Breast Pads
2. Diapers and a pack of wipes
3. Enormous giant period pads 
4. Dermoplast ( HOLLA!!!!) <----This is seriously a MUST have if you have a vaginal birth. 
5. Tucks. 
6. Let me repeat. Tucks ( also for if you have a vaginal birth) VERY important. 
7. Your Peri Bottle ( this is the fun little bathroom bottle you get to squeeze on your nether regions every time you go to the bathroom yay! You will get it from the hospital)
8. At least two swaddles for baby
9. Burp Cloths
10. Mitts for baby ( extra set)
11. A paci or two

These are the majority of what I kept in my bin. It was such a life saver since I had a hard recovery and going up the stairs was the last thing I wanted to do. Baby was almost ALWAYS in my arms or in his Boppy Lounger so it made it easy to just have everything all ready!!! 

For the Hospital:

I am sure some of you reading this are exactly like me and have your bag packed at 35 weeks ( JUST IN CASE!!!!) I was just SO concerned that this child of mine may come out early so I felt like I needed to be prepared ( side note- J didn’t come until I was induced at almost 40 weeks. ) I am just a compulsive person by nature:) Anyhow I packed three LARGE bags and pretty much only needed one. Let me break it down:

What to bring to the hospital:

1. One Extra Large bag or duffel and also Makeup and toiletry bag 
2. Boppy  for baby
3. Diaper Bag - inside have the following: 2 outfits of different sizes, 1 hat, 1 pair of mitts,  1 swaddle ( the hospital will provide endless diapers, wipes, pacifier, nose sucker, newborn beanie!!!)
4.  A camera if you overachieve and do not use cellphone as main camera :)
5. Snacks
6. A large cup for your water ( I brought my 40 oz bubba) you can find it Here
7. Your carseat for baby ( bring inside the hospital with you to your room)
8. Your breast pump if you feel like it ( I didn’t start pumping until I got home so I strictly enforced skin to skin and breastfeeding in clusters during my hospital stay

What to put in YOUR bag:

After you give birth, are somewhat settled, and cannot stop gazing at your freshly birthed baby you are going to feel desperate for a shower. Let me be brutally honest. This shower is going to be the BEST DAMN SHOWER YOU HAVE EVER TAKEN. You will have felt like you have survived war, you have afterbirth smeared up to your eyelids ( sorry girls!), you smell bad, your visitors are politely telling you that you look amazing but they want to barf their coffee all over your hospital bed. Your baby will be perfectly fine while you take a glorious 10-15 minutes to have that shower you deserve!!! Pack the following:

1. Your favorite Shower gel, lotion, and loofah. You will never be so happy to smell like you!
2. Your shampoo and conditioner
3.  Brush or Comb
4. Toothbrush and Toothpaste
5. Face wash and Moisturizer ( some of you fancy girls may be contemplating packing your entire facial skincare line. Don’t. Make it simple.)
6. A little bit of makeup. ( BB cream or Tinted moisturizer, a little blush, gloss, and mascara is about as crazy as you need to get. You will be wanting to nap, kiss on the baby, and honestly a freshly faced mama is just SO beyond beautiful. 
7. A hairdryer if you think you will get cold but honestly I never used mine


1. 2 nursing nighties and a nursing robe ( do NOT I repeat DO NOT) put this on during labor, you will totally ruin it! Put it on AFTER your shower and you will feel so amazing.  I bought my favorite nursing nightie HERE and felt so pretty in it while everyone was visiting.
2. BIG GRANNY UNDERWEAR. Yes girls.. pack you some big ones because those diapers  pads they are going to hand you will not fit in anything but. I actually preferred the mesh panties from the hospital because I’m freaky like that:)!
3. The hospital will provide you with said pads. TAKE THEM. All of them. You will need them and your insurance paid for them so stock up. 
4. A house shoe of some sort if you walk around the hospital
5. Snacks
6. hair clips, ponytail holders, something to clip your hair up
7. Your OWN pillow from home. So comfy and nice
8. a nice blanket from home- like a throw that you are familiar with and love
9. Wallet with insurance and ID
10. Your baby book if you want the nurse to put the baby footprints inside ( I just tore out the specific page and handed it to the nurse)
11. 2 nursing bras ( one will suffice honestly but 2 just in case)

Whew! I think I covered most of it! I will be posting an example newborn schedule soon and some tips for when you bring baby home!!!

xxoo best of luck!

A few Postpartum pics for ya!

Coffee was my bestie

This is real post partum life. Nursing robe, exhausted face, fussy newborn, granny panties, but pure happiness:)

Snuggle that baby!


  1. Always such a talented writer! I laughed throughout this post and enjoyed it thoroughly 😊 your blog is adorbs!

  2. haha awww thanks girl!!!! Sometimes I wonder if anyone other than my mom reads it hehe!! Love you!
