Saturday, October 1, 2016


Jax is really starting to come into a tiny personality! He is a very laid back baby ( much like his daddy) and really only cries when hungry, tired, or wet. He is pretty chill .. lately he has started to teethe a little bit so that has not been fun :(  I am mush when it comes to his baby smiles and gurgles. Our three AM feed results in him playing in his crib talking to himself and smiling and as tired as I am I always have a big smile back for him because who can resist that face?!! We  have started " trying" to transition to his bedroom during naps. He has only slept in his crib a few times and he doesn't really like it yet :/ He is mostly in the pack in play in our bedroom and I am fine with it for a little bit longer.  We joined a new group called Stroller Strides which is basically a fitness group for moms and we are absolutely LOVING it!!! Fall has nestled into San Antonio so our morning walks have been bliss! I am still always tired #momlife because my baby does NOT like to sleep that much :) But it's okay I am more in love than I have ever been in my life!! I am really looking forward to all of our firsts this year...Pumpkin Patch, Thanksgiving, Christmas :) Family pictures, Road trip to Conroe, and watching him try all new foods!!! 

Jax 8-11 wks pictures

Always a smile for mommy

Little Man

Stroller Strides!!

Good Morning!

andddddd napping on mommy

Tummy Time

Stinker in our bed!!! 

Obsessed with all of his PJs

Hi baby 

Big chunk and mom at starbucks


You light up my life more than I could ever explain. I am so glad God picked me to be your mommy!!!

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