Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday Favorites Fall Edition true...

I love love LOVE me some fall!!! Maybe it's because it's the calm before the crazy Christmas storm or the fact that things are falling back into place with school starting and routines settling, or maybe it is just the fact that the weather starts to change ever so slightly and you can feel a little bit of cool creep into our Texas hearts..maybe...
I just love fall


Pure Autumn beauty right here ^^

My next post will be over my Fall home tour!! I have a few new fall decorations and cannot wait to show off my cute fall porch this year!!! Here are my Friday Favorites


I mean Starbucks PSL...need I say more? Def. A favorite!

2.  Spiced Pecan Pumpkin from William Sonoma!

Every year I scour William Sonoma for this stuff and it usually comes out mid August. I buy a TON for gifts, to make, and to share :) My teacher's at school LOVE when I bring this stuff to the is def. A fall favorite!


Bath and Body works Fall candles are a must!!! I figured because it is only September, I can get away with burning a "fall-ish" candle but maybe my beloved pumpkin ones should stay put until October :)I literally cannot buy enough of these!!!!!!

4.  If you are not a subscriber to Southern Living I feel that you should remedy that ASAP!!!
I love reading this has so many cute styling tips and yummy recipes for Fall food..the apple cake listed in this edition is to die for


I am in love with booties!! I bought the Toms desert wedge last year in all of the colors but this cheetah print is so cute! I am thinking of wearing these in our Christmas card picture this year:) Love 'em!!!

6. The true reason I really love fall is this

My wedding anniversary is celebrated during the beautiful season of fall. I remember it so clearly, how we stood underneath the pergola with a beautiful fall sunset shining down on us in all it's glory. The colors were the epidemy of what an autumn wedding should look like and it was just beautiful. I wish I could go back to that day all the time... I am so blessed to be able to share such a beautiful life with him. 

Next up Fall home tour and a pumpkin spice bread!!!!!


  1. So ready for a cool front to hit Texas. They are saying that it may get into the low 90s in Fort Worth next week! Until then we can enjoy our lattes in a fully air conditioned room. Ha.

    1. Oh Colleen I feel ya girl!!! They "say" we are supposed to have a very cool/cold fall and winter... I am totally pretending enjoying my PSL in my air conditioned home until then :) Happy Fall!!!!!
