Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Seven Month Update

Month Seven.

( insert me crying big fat alligator tears)
He looks so big!!!!!

Seven months of being a mommy has flown by.. I would say that during the first three time stood still. I was so tired and it just seemed like he was in that little newborn stage forever! Now every time I turn around he is mastering a new skill, attempting to crawl, copying my coughs, trying to pull up on things, and constantly making my heart burst into a million pieces. 

Lately I have been struggling with the thought of " Am I enough" - sure I am a GREAT mom and wife.. I truly know this! However someone said to me " Don't you want more than to JUST be a mom?" That really bothered me because honestly no. I don't. At first it made me feel maybe my mommy goal doesn't measure up to the status of going and grabbing my masters degree or climbing up that corporate ladder. That comment marinated with me for about a week.. and so I did what I always do. I started to pray. The more I prayed the more I found God speaking to my heart that I am not JUST a wife and mom. I am a wife who supports and prays for her husband diligently and daily. I support his career, keep a VERY clean house, and attend work dinners, meetings, and events with him because I love him. I am a wife who creates parties and hosts dinners all the time because it is in my heart to give and to watch others have a good time! I am a wife who makes my husband proud because I truly gave it my everything to have our son. 

I am a mom. 

I am a mom who wakes up and rocks her baby at all hours because his teeth hurt. I am a mom who gets on the floors and plays with my boy because it truly makes my heart joyful to hear him giggle when I steal his favorite caterpillar and hide it behind my back. I am a mom who takes a MILLION videos and pictures because I waited 20 months to do so and it makes me so happy that I can finally post my beautiful precious boy. I am a mom who actually for the most part has her shit together...and I am proud of that. I love Jesus, my husband and our baby boy.. and I cannot wait to be a mom to more of my babies!!! God called me to be a wife and mom.. but I am not JUST a wife and mom..I am so much more! I know not everyone can say that and I truly know that I am wonderful at both.. maybe not all the time but I was meant to do this and so I own it. I love it. I am blessed with it. 

Here is our seven months!!!!

Snuggling in bed with a tired mommy

I love when I catch them napping

here we are ready to go eat at the country club for pizza night!!!!

We went to Houston and visited Aunt Joanne. Jax was about to spit up and I am laughing.. 

We are in Golf Galaxy here.. 

His face just melts me!!! Can I have 23483947b more boys that look like him?!

My valentine!!!!

I never EVER stop holding him


Sweet baby Jax, 

When God gave me you he brought a part of me to life that I never even knew was dead. You have given me more Joy than I can even explain... spending my days at home with you are amongst my most favorite ways to spend time. I love the simple things.. drinking my coffee and watching your face light up when you figure out a new toy. Your giggle melts my insides and makes me want to burst in a million pieces!!!! You will always be my first baby.. my most prayed for child and I am so so so grateful every single day that God chose me to be your mommy. Being a mom is a more cherished title than any corporate job could ever hold. I am so looking forward to our new home being built and watching you and your siblings play outside. This is the best part of life <3 

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