Monday, May 15, 2017

Ten Months Old!!! & Some of our Favorite Things


How is my baby boy ten months?? I say this every month but REALLY!!?? TEN MONTHS?! 
Honestly he just gets more and more fun:)



 Clapping our hands on command, Walking everywhere assisted, pulling up on everything, throwing toys, doing “ TA-DA!” Hands in the air, prefers mommy over EVERYONE :), loves the dog, I mean LOVES the dog, loves water and swimming, tummy sleeper, very observant, still the paci king, loves eating table food and his favorite is still an avocado :) 

He is truly joyous and the EASIEST baby ever.

Thank you for making my life so wonderful JHF mommy loves you to the MOON and BACK!

Now for some ten month FAVORITES!!!

We have just started our journey in becoming a little FISH!! Jax and I swim whenever we get a chance ( though the water is still a tad cold) we muster through and still enjoy it. He doesn’t LOVE being in a float but when he will tolerate it he will float in this floatie ( linked above) Mostly he loves for me to hold him and swim with him which is great since we start swim lessons soon!!

We seriously LIVE by our water table. The version I linked above is not our exact table but it was just as cute and has a lot for baby to do. If you have a STANDING baby or toddler I highly suggest one of these. I fill it with different toys to mix it up and it keeps baby entertained for a LONG time :)

These are our new favorite! When we are at home I usually chop and dice his food and place it on his high chair try.. BUT that gets gross and I have started using THESE placemats and they are PERFECT. They store easy in the diaper bag so if you wanted to take it to a restaurant you would feel comfortable knowing your baby isn’t eating off the table. I just ordered mine so I am excited to use it out somewhere!!

Image result for silicone placemat for baby

WE HAVE A TOOTH!!! We have really been waiting on our teeth for quite some time. Jax just cut his first two bottom incisors and, bless his heart, is in some pain! I found this natural teething oil at one of my favorite baby boutiques and wanted to use it to see if it worked. It worked great! I try and limit the tylenol usage since there is so much sugar but this seems to take the edge off to where he isn’t so fussy.

Punkin Butt Teething Oil 2 Ounce with RazBaby Teether 

Nuby Garden Fresh Fruitsicle Frozen Pop Tray

I bought these a few months ago anticipating summer and I CANNOT wait to try them! Now that Jax a.) has a tooth and b) it is hot 
we can totally put these to great use!

I will be posting some fun baby popsicle recipes soon to the baby portion of my blog!

These containers are so great. They are tiny enough to fit in a lunch box or insulated cooler/diaper bag, you can store them in your fridge easy enough with leftovers or pureed baby food. They stack great and don’t take up a bunch of room!!!!

Image result for bpa storage containers

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