Friday, April 14, 2017

Nine Months old and Product review!

Image result for nine months old


He has been out as long as he was in. * Insert me crying big fat tears here*
Y’all I cannot believe my baby boy is three months away from being ONE! ONE!!!!! ONE!!!!!! 

Lately I have been having MAJOR baby fever.. or I guess * pregnancy fever* if that even exists.. I absolutely cannot wait to be pregnant and I don’t think its too far off in the future for us :):) 

This older baby stage is SO MUCH FUN! I say that about every stage but really and truly when they gather up a little personality and let it shine.. your heart.will.melt.

Month Nine has us:

Clapping our hands. THE sweetest ever.. when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on he will clap his little hands in excitement, when we arrive at circle time for our Gymboree weekly playdaytes.. the hands start clapping, when I ask him to clap his hands..he will bashfully do so and it is SO CUTE.

He also has started walking with his push cart UNASSISTED! One day he started pulling up ( I think around month 8) which obviously had us lower his crib immediately. Anyways he has become quite the dare devil and is into anything and everything.. walking along the coffee tables, TV console, push cart, Bath tub name it he GRABS IT! He is fun.. but soooo quick :)!

Pointing to familiar objects. Each afternoon after his nap, I walk to our hallway mirror and ask him “ Where is the baby?” “ Where is the mommy?” and he will dutifully wave or point to the correct one. Love it!

Eating Table foods. Right as I was kicking off my baby food portion of the blog he started demanding table foods.. Baby Led Weaning is our newest endeavor on the mommy menu and honestly.. its pretty simple. He eats what we eat. With that said, I cook wholesome and MOSTLY healthy meals for Brandon and I. I choose to NOT season Jax’s portions of meats or veggies with a bunch of different seasonings and instead focus on minute amounts of olive oil S&P. I make a variety of things ranging from Turkey Meatloaf, Sweet potato wedges, Fruit salads, Pulled Pork, Chicken/ Avocado/ Strawberry medleys and more.. easy peasy just make sure it is quite small!!!!

Tummy Sleeper. For whatever reason my baby has found his tummy. Like his momma in so many ways ( except looks :)) he sleeps EXACTLY like me. One leg up, arm under face, and on the tummy. It really is amazing to watch how your children take after you in so many different ways. 

Some nine month photos:

Here we are at Target.. sometimes nothing is better than a little Starbucks and a little Target

A fun soccer playdate after our Stroller Strides workout

A playdate with friends!!! I love and cherish this picture! A sweet friend took this and i just adore it.

Jaxie and daddy at his FIRST crawfish boil Notice the fishing shirt :)!!!! 

you can find a TON of cute fishing apparel for babies, toddlers and kids, HERE at the Prodoh website

My beautiful family. I remember last season when we were at the crawfish boil and J was in my belly.. I was SO excited to do all of these amazing things with him. I can honestly say that while each “ Adventure” didn’t go as planned, or as smoothly as I thought, I have never smiled more in my entire life while having this baby boy on my hip for every single event we attend. 

Kids are worth it.

So worth it.

Now for the product review!!!

Einsteins Aquatic Soother


Image result for Einstein's aquatic soother

Honestly I should have purchased this earlier!! I bought one for both my God daughter who is only 2.5 months and my son and BOTH kids use and LOVE them.  The aquarium is comes with a ton of different features, has different sound noises ( much like a sound spa) , and looks like an actual aquarium with the fish moving around and a nice muted light which gives baby something to look at while drifting off to sleep. Jax even whacks the button so he can continue watching it!!!

2. Baby Bum Diaper cream


I think this would have been great in the earlier months.. I got a little used to just getting my  hands dirty in Boudreauxs Butt Paste. However when I was gifted this by a very special friend I have used it every night and never looked back. Your fingers don’t get gross while putting butt cream on your kid. YES this is one of those silly little ventures that you DONT HAVE TO HAVE... BUTT ( no pun intended :)) if you do decide to buy one.. you will love it :) Your welcome!

Image result for baby bum diaper cream

3. Baby push toy


Image result for baby push toy

This is what is helping Jax learn to walk!!! He pulls himself up and will take a few steps!!! It also has great and fun learning features for crawling babies to press and play on. These are available in a variety of different push toys but this seems to be the best one on Amazon and Jax loves it!

These are a small few of our favorites!!!

Happy Weekend!

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